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Prosper Services

What is Data?

How does it work?

  • We have relationships with websites all over the world that are looking to connect businesses with their ideal clients.
  • We have also compiled various data from public sources.
  • Data append – we can compare your data set to ours to complete and specify your existing database
  • We can get B2B data based on NAICS and SIC codes

What can you use the data for?

  • Make contact with the leads via phone, email, or mail
  • Create lookalike audiences for ad creation
  • Research and data analysis

Types of Data

Aged Data

If you’re not in a place to purchase real-time data, or call transfers, we have aged data available for a lower price. Aged data can be 30 days up to a year old, and the older it is the less expensive.

Real Time Lead Posting

You can have qualified leads connected immediately, in real time, directly into your CRM or autodialer. These leads are connected immediately and are at a higher price point, but you get the first stab at the lead!

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Dain Rixey

Dain Rixey


Leader/ Early adopter

My main goal is to work hard to make enough clients happy that it gives my family the freedom we strive for.

Quirky fact “I have a family of 6 and I’m the only guy”

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it optin data?

All data provided is opt-in and in compliance with TCPA and CAN-SPAM act.

How much does it cost?

Costs are dependent upon the vertical, age of the data, and order size.

How many records can I get?

There is no limit to the number of records we can provide. However we recommend purchasing aged data on a weekly basis so that the most fresh data can be used.

What do I have to do to get the data?

We try to make the process as easy as possible for our clients. By providing a list of zip codes and/or filters you want your data to meet and a list of phone numbers you currently have we can create your order.

Is there a minimum order amount?

There is not a minimum order amount, however competitive pricing is available for larger orders and repeat clients.

Where do you get your data?

After years in the industry we have developed relationships with publishers across the internet therefor allowing us to tailor our data to each client.

How are leads qualified?

Depending on the data type leads are qualified by Jornaya ID or Trusted Form, as well as some records verified by phone.

Do you guarantee your leads?

Our goal at Prosper Services is not to gain clients, but rather to keep each client we have. Therefore we do everything in our power to keep our clients receiving a positive ROI.

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